Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Hey magicians!! Holidays have just started and we're looking forward some fantastic days with lots of parties and celebrations. So dear friends, we'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

We all know that 2014 was a great year where we could enjoy the wonderful trip to Slovenia, but 2015 has nothing to envy. Greece's waiting us!! 

However, this year will also be hard for catalan students because it's the last year in high school and we have the PAU (test to access to university). But we are sure that with effort and perseverance we will get it. We have to be positive, haven't we?

Here you have some typical Christmas photos. And as we say here: Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou!! 

Is not a really typical photo in our country but we love it!! ♥

!!! THAT'S CLEAR !!!

The sweet Caga Tió *_* 

Christmas lights

New's Year Eve in Puerta del Sol (Madrid)

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Theme three: Hypothetical shopping

Hi there!! Whats up? Our group have been working on theme three since few weeks ago and now we would like to share the results with all of you.

GROUP A : Mar & Teresa

We wanted to do something different, so we decided to do a comparison between brand products and generic brand products. We were following this steps:

1. Firstly, we wrote a list with food we should buy to do a meal with our friends: squids, tomato sauce, "serrano" ham, cottage cheese, macaroni, orange squash, red wine, chips and olives.

2. Then, we went to a local supermarket called Mercadona...

and we divided the group; Mar should bought generic brand food...

....and Teresa brand food.

This is the video we recorded meanwhile we were shopping: 

3. Finally, we compared the prices and we arrived at the conclusion that, as you can see in the table, buying generic brands you save a lot of money in the end of the year.

GROUP B : Heura, Alba, Patrícia & Aaron

We went to a local shop where they sell school supplies and a lot more things like for exemple sweets. 

We were asked to spend a maximum of 50€ but as you can see in the total price we spent 3,65€ more apart from the fifty euros. 

Here you have the video we recorded when we were choosing what to buy. If you watch it you will see that while we were doing this theme we had a good time shopping. We can't wait to see the next lesson!

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Comenius is back

Summer holidays have finished, we have loaded batteries, we are in school again and the most important, comenius is back!! You will see soon new topics and works on the blog, meanwhile keep calm magicians ;) 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Slovenia - Second Magic Comenius Meeting

Hi there!! Almost a month ago of our perfect trip in slovenia and it seems like yesterday. We have been dancing and singing, playing in the water, smiling all time, visiting interesting places, crying when we had to say goodbye... but the truth is that there aren't words to describe the trip. So I've prepared this short video with all that we've done there, you know, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Hope you like it :)

Pd: I know that there are some problems with copyright songs and countries like Germany cannot see the video so don't worry, I'm uploading the video on Dropbox and I'll publish the link when it finish.

Thanks a lot,
the magician Mar

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Theme Two: The Advertisements

Hello all! How are you?

Our group have started working about theme two: the advertisements. We have searched some ads with the different characteristics that our teacher said. 


I have just found an interesting advertisement which it is says the truth. I think that this picture says the truth because there are a lot of people who needs smile and I believe that the happiness is very important and more in this countries where they don't have anything. So I think that this announcement is essential to appear on TV and everywhere because we can help this people who have difficult situations so we can do it! 

Done by Patrícia Cases. 

Facts / Opinion

First time that I viewed this ad I didn't think that it used facts and opinion to sell his product, beer. But now, that in class we are analyzing advertisements,  I have realized that it uses. 

The actors begin by praising Barça, which is the brand of beer sponsor ("Leo Messi, the world's best player, Andrés Iniesta, second-best and Xavi, third-best"), so the praise that it say are facts. Then, they ask yourself "What do we have?" and they start to say Catalans have different reasons to be proud of themselves across calling some things (people, traditions, food, products, places, weather, etc.) and facts that Catalonia has. And of course, all of this, to publicize one product of this territory, Estrella Damm. Finally, they say that all the facts are good, so they are saying his opinion of this territory and his products.

P.D.: Sorry, the ad is in catalan but you can activate subtitles.

Done by Mar Sebastià


This is a nice and fun video that it doesn't say anything bad or offend us. So I think that this video is perfect for put in the section of "Acceptable".

Done by Aaron Falcó.


Done by Alba Blanco.


I've found that advertisement which it's very artistic. I've chosen it because it makes you spend some time analyzing the parts of the draw and the Brand it's so small and it's difficult to see but when you see it you don't forget it because the picture it's beautiful and abstract.

 Done by Teresa Trullén.


Done by Heura Cartoixà.

Our advertisement

Continuing with the second theme we have made an advertisement. It's simple but at the same time it's elaborate. We hope you like it.