Monday, 16 December 2013

Theme One: The Social Networks

Hello everybody,

Here we have the work that we have done for this theme one, the social networks.

Firstly, Aaron and Patrícia have done an interview to ask to different people in their village (Xerta) what they think about social networks. This is the result: 

Secondly, Mar has done a short video with the tips that we would give to someone who is just starting to use social networks now. View it: 

Third, Alba asked two children from our school if they ever said, or done anything posted on social networks that they regret.

The first boy replied: I have never put any publication or any photo that I don’t like now or regret it because when I upload a photo I  make sure the consequences it may have.

The second girl said: Personally, I have not uploaded any photos on any social network, but I was very confident with a child and spent a photograph taken that would not happen because now in the motives of many people… so never come over an intimate picture because after you will have the whole world and evil will pass.

On the other hand, Heura has been asking people about what people think about the question "Why do people share the information they put on social networks?". Majority of them think that in one side, people upload photos and share information just to share it with their friends and it’s a way to have contact with your relatives or your acquaintances easily than for example in other times that the communication wasn’t as good as in nowadays  is. 

This is a good way to use social networks but for example in the other side, there is people that use this way of comunication to be popular, get attention, etc. Here in our school for example we’ve had examples of some girls that they have taken a photo of themselves undressed and after that, the photos have been shared in lots of mobile phones through the WathsApp aplication.

She interviewed to some people asking the question “How many of your “friends” in social networks are your friends?” too. Before start asking, she thought that they would have answered that most of the people  they have as friends they don’t know them. Otherwise it didn’t happen what she thought.

The answers were:
  • 74,2% of the people know who they have as friends.
  • 25,2% of the people don't know at all who they have as friends 

Thanks a lot,
the magic group one